A Typical Day in our Nursery
8:35 Children will arrive in class.
They will:
- Hang up their belonging on their pegs
- Wash their hands
- Find their picture/name card and it to our self register
- Find their spot on the carpet and join in with our ‘wake up shake up’ (movement skills)
8:45 Register: We sing our ‘hello’ song and say good morning
8:50 Sound discrimination activity:
We play a range of interactive games to develop children’s ability to tune into different sounds including everyday sound around us, musical sounds, rhythm and rhyming activities, initial sounds in alliteration games and in the summer term our older nursery children are taught the first set sounds following ‘Read Write Ink’ (RWI)
9.00 Free Play
The children can explore the classroom - they will be able to use the enhanced provision that is set up to encourage learning and inspire imaginations and creativity.
9:45-10:15 Café style rolling snack
The children can have snack at the snack table if they wish. They can choose from a selection of fruit/veg and have a drink of milk/water.
(Our younger nursery children in Frankin class have snack altogether).
10:15 Tidy up time
The children help to tidy their class, putting toys and resources back where they belong
10:30 Outside free play
The children will be able to use the enhanced provision set up to support learning and development outside
11:20 Maths
The children will collectively join in with some maths activities – singing number songs, exploring shapes and pattern and challenging themselves with weight and measure.
11:45-12:15 Lunchtime
The children have lunch together in their class enjoying either a packed lunch from home or a school dinner.
12:30 Outside free play
The children will once again be able to use the enhanced provision set up to support learning and development outside
13:30 STEAM learning
Each term the children are introduced to learning following the ambitious GLF Curriculum. Questions are posed to challenge children's thinking and curiosity, developing their knowledge and understanding
13:45 Free play
The children can explore the classroom - they will be able to use the enhanced provision that is set up to encourage learning and creativity linked to our curriculum.
14:45 Tidy up time
The children help to tidy their class, putting toys and resources back where they belong
15:00 Story and celebrations
The children will share a story on the carpet before home time. Throughout the term, carefully selected stories are read following the ‘Talk Through Stories’ approach to develop children’s comprehension and vocabulary.
We also celebrate ‘Headteacher’s certificates’ for Dojo points and our ‘Star of The Week’.
15:15 Home time - the doors will open for children to be collected!